Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That’s why they call it The Present.

(AUTHOR: Variously, Emily Dickinson, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Joan Rivers.}

Just for today,
I’ll not worry about solving the problem in Crimea,
nor abortion clinics in Texas,
the foibles of Obamacare,
the looming danger of Senate majority party,
Bill Gates’ offered solution to U S education,
or global warming with its flooding of Wall Street.

Just for today,
I can mow my ill neighbor’s lawn,
can laugh again at a friend’s oft repeated joke,
take surplus clothing to the Mission,
recycle my newspapers, cans, and bottles,
offer a smile to a downcast stranger,
walk quiet along Nature’s paths,
or just sit peacefully with another good book.


Gus Daum
March, 2013


About degus221

A Kansan who has migrated to Oregon.
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3 Responses to TODAY ONLY

  1. Ann Douglas says:

    Thank you, Gus. This is lovely and – as it turns out – much needed today.


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